Talent Wanted / 人才招募

Our laboratory focuses on "Innovative Biomedical Materials and Technology Development." Our research areas include biomaterials and controlled drug release, tissue regeneration technologies, neurodegenerative disease treatment and regeneration, and sensing microfluidic systems. Specific applications include advanced biosensing platforms, tissue repair materials, and dual-zone fluorescence imaging techniques. Students will have the opportunity to learn professional skills such as nanomaterial synthesis, drug encapsulation, microfluidic system design, material analysis, and bioimaging technologies while exploring the extensive applications of these technologies in the medical field.

We welcome undergraduate research students, master's, and PhD candidates with backgrounds in chemical engineering, applied chemistry, life sciences, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, materials science, food science, dental materials, chemistry, physics, pharmacy, cosmetic science, medical engineering, medical sciences, microbiology, immunology, and other related fields to join our team! If interested, don't hesitate to contact the supervising professor for further discussion.



886-2-2826-7000 ext.67024

02-2826-7000 分機 67024


Room B206, Experimental Building 3F, No.155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

11221 臺北市北投區立農街二段155號實驗大樓三樓 B206室 

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